Our training programs follow a long-term approach to personal growth and self-development with a strong focus on happiness. According to the objectives and goals of the organization for sustained growth, we structure and tailor the program after a thorough understanding of your needs, self-awareness and aspirations.

LOL at Work is a 3 Seconds Program about happiness and harmony at the workplace. With the help of Improv techniques, watch these young participants at GAP Inc break barriers, build their confidence, work in a team and most importantly, have a great time!

A workplace is only as happy, stress-free and productive as their employees are! The 3 Seconds team conducted a 2-day retreat for the employees of India Alliance to work on team building, conflict resolution, productivity and collaboration through creative techniques. The participants stepped out of their comfort zones and learnt while having fun!

LOL AT WORK! – A Program on Happiness & Harmony at the Workplace

They say, laughter is the closest distance between two people. Good humour breaks barriers and boosts collaboration at the workplace. With the basic techniques of comedy, improv theatre and other forms of humour, our program has received smiling welcomes in the corporate world.

HOW TO WORK FROM ANYWHERE – Organization & Productivity Tools for Working Remotely

With the world moving towards a remote/hybrid setup, learn how to collaborate and delegate well while working remotely. We’ll also cover various video conferencing platforms and tools for time management, organization & productivity.


Looking for a customized training plan for your workplace? Fill in your details below and we’ll get in touch within the next 48 hours.